Saturday, October 13, 2007

Watch Your Step, Kid

The other day I was on my way home, transferring at Gallery Place from Yellow to Red. As I walk off the Yellow downstairs and head for the “up” escalator, I see two little kids in my way. They’re playing at the bottom, letting the moving stairs carry them up a few feet before running back down, kinda like a reverse stepper.

I decide they’re gonna get out of my way. That’s my escalator, not theirs. As I stalk toward them, the kid on the right glances up at me (way up), and hesitates for a heartbeat.

This proves his undoing. He misses a step, loses his balance, and—whack!—faceplants into the metal stairs. I step over his sprawled limbs, barely breaking stride.

His gaggle of little friends laughs uproariously.

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